Every girl dreams to have a spotless skin, but it is not possible for the ones who are prone to acne and pimples.
The main reasons for these pimples are listed below:
- Starting stage of adolescence
- Hormonal imbalance
- Prolonged treatment of any disease
- Side effects of any medicines or creams
- Oily skin
- Environmental pollution
Some of the remedies that you may opt are given below:
- Wash your face 4 times a day, preferably with an anti-acne face wash.
- Drink as much water as you can.
- Apply grounded black pepper on the affected area.
- Apply basil and lemon juice extract on the pimples 4 times a day.
- You can also use anti-acne treatment facial kit. It is available in the market or you can also buy online easily.
Not only acne and pimples, there are many other things that you need to take care of, for healthy maintenance of your skin. Some of the tips are as given below:
- You should always apply make-up according to your skin.
- You should always apply toner or astringent after washing your face. This makes the make-up stay longer on your face.
- You should always have a control over your diet, but never, go for crash dieting. This completely destroys the beauty of your face.
- Six to seven hours of sleep is required to maintain a healthy skin and body.
- Always check the ingredients on the skin care products and make sure that they do not contain any harmful chemicals or any such ingredient that you are allergic to.
- Daily eating an apple in the morning greatly helps.
- Always clean your face with cleansing milk before sleep to remove the excess oil from the face.
- Include food items in your diet that are rich in Vitamin A, B, C, D and E. This is highly beneficial.